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What is a cryptocurrency wallet?
28 May, 2024
What is a cryptocurrency wallet?
Read on to learn what digital wallets are, the different types available, how to choose the right wallet, and how to ensure its security.
Ledger to return $600,000 to victims of Connect Kit exploit
28 December, 2023
Ledger to return $600,000 to victims of Connect Kit exploit
A compromise of the Ledger Connect Kit library led to the wallet connection window being replaced with a phishing one.
Users lost $768,000 due to fake Ledger app in Microsoft Store
8 November, 2023
Users lost $768,000 due to fake Ledger app in Microsoft Store
After the buzz on X, the app was removed.
Ledger Recover feature comes by the end of 2023
21 September, 2023
Ledger Recover feature comes by the end of 2023
The company's CEO confirmed the plans despite criticism within the community.
How to store crypto
25 June, 2023
How to store crypto
Learn how to keep digital assets safe with our comprehensive crypto wallet guide.
What's poppin, blockchain?
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